The Assignment
Below I've listed a selection of books available at Amazon that you could read with an eye toward honing your craft. (You can buy these from whatever site or bookstore you'd like--no Amazon required.)
You will be responsible for reading this book from cover to cover, writing a 1000 word (about 4 page, double spaced) report on the book, which you will save in your Google Drive "Craft Talk" folder. After you save, please right click and press SHARE and share it with everyone in the class (besides you, of course):,,,
In order to get a good grade on this assignment, which is worth a decent chunk of your assignment grade, your report should address the following questions:
What was the most significant thing I learned from this book? (More than one thing is good, too.)
How do I see myself applying this knowledge to my own writing?
What are some 3 x 5 card tidbits from the book (i.e., quotes about writing that would be worth writing down on a 3 x 5 card and taping to your wall)?
How does the author see the craft of writing--instinctual? mystical? practical?
The Schedule
February 27, Craft Talk #1:
March 13, Craft Talk #2: Carmi
April 3, Craft Talk #3: Kirby
The Books
Writing Poetry From The Inside Out: Finding Your Voice Through the Craft of Poetry, by Sanford Lyne.
*****Feel free to find a craft book that isn't on this list. (I'd try the poetry section of the library or bookstore.)
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